Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Neighborhood: The City of Calabasa

Looking for a big city type of neighborhood with loads of streets where you can place loads and loads of buildings? One that isn't necessarily pretty but you can turn into a super busy city? Usually I favor suburban and urban less crowded neighborhoods myself but I was in the mood for something bigger and busier. So I opened up Sims City 4 and built "Calabasa" - the name is a sort of take on the California neighborhood in Los Angeles "Calabasas - which after watching all of seasons 1 and available episodes of season 2 of Ray Donovan on demand over the last week, the name Calabasas was trapped in my head - sort of the same way the song "Let it Go" from Frozen is permanently stuck in my head lol.

I don't think my Calabasa in any way resembles the actual Calabasas - I didn't bother to decorate the neighborhood, so its definitely not pretty at all, just a load of streets and a bit of water so you can build lots of homes, apartments, stores and stuff to your hearts content. There's also a few spaces to build some beach lots as well. Hope you enjoy!

To Install: copy all files from SC4 Terrains folder into C:\Users\yourname\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\SC4Terrains

If you wish to use the screen shots for your neighborhood, copy them into C:\Users\yourname\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Storytelling

When you create the "story" for your neighborhood you can move the screen shots into it from there.

You can download the lot here:

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